Thursday 22 August 2013

Och Aye!

Due to the increased demand for accommodation in Edinburgh, here are our digs for the evening. That's Thelma parked outside number 9 - one of four rooms in a shipping container. Would you believe it cost the same as last night's heritage listed hotel with leisure club facilities and a full English breakfast included? 
Now this is more like it! Our Tattoo evening began with the Scotch Whiskey Experience - 3 excellent courses, each matched with a whiskey. Very nice, thank you.

We viewed a private collection of more than 3000 whiskeys from around the world.

We were then ushered to our exclusive seats near the Royal box for the start of the Military Tattoo, but not before we were issued with our exclusive Tattoo ponchoes...because of the rain. Thankfully it was drizzle and not a downpour, and it stopped during the performance.

It was an incredible experience. We saw performances from musical groups and dance troupes from all over the world. Creative lighting, outstanding costumes and fireworks added to the atmosphere.

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